Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Welcome to France

We made it!!!
10 hours and 40 minutes in the plane - thank you modern medicine for Benadryl.

Parker got some solid sleep while Katie and I held him. Parker did not like sitting in his seat during take off, so we distracted him with new toys, crayons, stickers, chips, and anything else we could think of. Katie almost barfed toward the end of the flight, probably too much flying and not enough fluids. One funny anecdote after we landed was Parker running away from us after we told him to stop and running smack into a thick glass door. He bounced off the door and left a snot mark where he hit. Poor kid. He is fine but we are not sure about the door!

My mom, dad, Janelle, and Christophe came to the airport to pick us up. It is great to be with them.

1 comment:

  1. nice! good negative reinforcement for disobeying the parents!
