Monday, March 1, 2010

The calm after the storm

As families do, we have shared a 24 hr flu bug among most of us staying at my parent's house. Katie was the latest victim and spent most of the day yesterday curled up. It turned out to be somewhat good timing because a huge storm, Xynthia, moved through much of France and there were some high gust winds in our area. While Katie rested up, I did whatever crazy dads do. Take their kid on a walk to the park in midst of 65 mph winds. I think they recorded gust winds of 100 + mph on top of the Eiffel Tower.
Today we took Parker back to the Chateau de Champs to walk around the different ponds as it was a gorgeous day. Katie is feeling better. The calm After the storm!

Tomorrow, we are headed to Versailles with a friend of mine. Should be another gorgeous day!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, give Katie a hug for me!! I hope she's much better by now and able to resume enjoying the French cuisine!
